Misconceptions About Assisted Living Services And Facilities
When you begin to look at an option for assisted living facilities and services, you may go into it with misconceptions. These misconceptions have likely been brought up to you at different times throughout your adult life. Before you visit assisted living options, or choose to go with a different care option, there are some key points you need to know. Here are a few of the misconceptions and the truth regarding them.
Hospital Environments
One of the most common misconceptions about assisted living deals with the environment. There is a misconception that the living environment is like a nursing home or hospital. The truth is, most assisted options are communities that offer apartment style living. These apartments are equipped like any other apartment you would find in your local city. The only differences are that there is an age requirement, of usually 55 or older, and that you have nurse call systems in the bathroom and other areas of the apartment. You have the ability to decorate with your own furniture and other items. The building is also similar to traditional apartment communities as well.
Limited Lifestyle Options
One of the fears that many people have regarding assisted living services is having a limited lifestyle. They are concerned that if they move to the assisted community, they may get the medical services they need, but may not be able to come and go as they like or share in hobbies they enjoy. The truth is, many communities not only offer transportation and hobbies they encourage them. Many of the medical administrators offering the assisted living services will encourage you to live the lifestyle you are comfortable with, including visiting friends and going to different area events or functions.
Selling Homes to Cover Costs
A financial misconception regarding assisted living services is that you must sell your home to cover the costs. This is not the case. If you have assisted living or senior care insurance, your insurance plan will cover a majority of the fees. You can also use savings, retirement, and other income or savings options to pay for the costs. Selling your home and other items is not required and is strictly an option for you to consider if necessary.
By considering the truth regarding these common misconceptions about assisted living services and facilities. If you are ready to look further into assisted living versus other options, contact your local care providers. They can offer you a tour of their living community and answer questions you have about daily living and other issues you may be concerned with.