Steps For Bringing Up Nursing Home Living To Your Elderly Parent

Even though many senior citizens will love living in a nursing home once they get there, it may take a bit of work to make this change a reality. Many people are resistant to change, and if your elderly parent has been living in the same house for years or even decades, it can take some convincing on your part to show that it's time to move into a nursing home — and this can even be the case if your parent honestly knows that it's time, but is still resistant to the move. Instead of just blurting out that your parent needs to move, it's ideal to be tactful. Here are some steps that you can use to work toward this move.

Share Anecdotes About People You Know

The first step in convincing your parent that a nursing home is the right choice may be to share short stories about people you know who have firsthand experience. For example, you might talk about how a neighbor has moved into a nursing home and is reporting that she loves it. Or, you might tell an anecdote about a colleague who had a parent who felt isolated at home, but that he or she thrived upon moving into a nursing home. You can simply share these stories and then drop them. Ideally, they'll percolate in your parent's mind.

Ask About Nursing Homes

Instead of telling your parent that you'd like him or her to move, be gentle and ask if he or she has ever considered the benefits of a nursing home. In some cases, your parent might not know much about this living environment. This is an opportunity for you to share some details about a couple nursing homes in your community. Make sure to focus on the benefits, which can include the fact that your parent would no longer have to cook or clean, that he or she could make lots of new friends, and that there would be lots of programming and events to enjoy.

Suggest A Tour

If your parent has begun to show interest in a nursing home, you can suggest taking him or her on a tour of one or more facilities. Doing so is a perfect way for your parent to see the benefits firsthand, as well as meet staff and residents and get a chance to enjoy a meal. Many nursing homes have regular open house days, but can also arrange private tours for prospective residents. By taking this slow and methodical approach, you may help your parent to be highly enthused about nursing homes.
